Lessons for the day

Labels: foolish me
A lot of new things happen in my life and surround me..so I decide to write everything comes up in my mind, to remind me again of all the silly and interesting bits and pieces...
Labels: foolish me
Now, this is about love, again....I recently watched this movie. When I saw the dvd cover, I was thinking that it could be another version of "Love Actually" and it is right to some extent. But contentwise, this movie is much on the darker and heavy side (well, dark movie for christmast? big NO NO I guess - referring to Love Actually).
This is a story about a close community in Oregon, centered to a local professor: Harry Stevenson (Morgan Freeman) which then be around and analysing and involved in the neighbouring love matters. There are several sections of the story, which all of them are intertwined:
1. Harry Stevenson and wife, Esther lost their son Aaron due to overdose. He still thinks that he was not good enough as a father to his son.
2. Bradley Smith's stories involved 3 women. His wife, Kathryn left him for some other woman. The struggling, surprise and then acceptance of Kathryn that she actually is a homosexual was completely missed by her wife, just adding up to her decision to leave her husband. For her, it was a long thorough process and thinking.. but to her husband. He even didn't realized until the room was empty and she's completely gone. Second woman was a real-estate agent that he feel in love and hurriedly asked in marriage. Turns out that Diana, the woman just used him to make her lover jealous. At the end, her lover divorced his wife and they just together again. Led by desperation and pain, radley then foolishly tried to cut himself. Then, when the doctor banded his wound and asked him why he did that to himself, he replied: "There's so much pain in my heart and I want my body feel the pain I got in my heart". Then, he fell in love again with the doctor.
Below I took the comment IMDB user filled about this movie.
Labels: human in general, ma question d'interet, movies
Labels: foolish me
Labels: ma vie
At this point, then his true potential hasn't been fully revealed yet. But reading all the critics, mentioned that he was one of the potential actors to be in the future, plus he got involved in lots of promosing big project such as Indiana Jones.
One funny interview with him: when he was asked what was the meaning of his name. He replied Shia is Hebrew for Praise the Lord and La Boeuf is French for the beef, so together, his name means: Praise Lord for the beef:).
Well, back to the movie: Disturbia is a story of a teenager, Kale Brecht, who lives with his single mother. After an incident of him attacking his spanish teacher, he was under police supervision to be home arrest with the alarm attached in the leg. His mother cuts the cable, then he got bored inside his room and started to play with the binocular and peeping his neighbours. Start from the 3 naughty little boys who secretly watching porn in their room, a nice looking new girl, to a weird guy lives alone.
Kale then suspected the man to be a serial killer, which we led to believing that he was right, then wrong then right and this threaten his monther who fell into the killer's hostage.
This movie could be a normal suspense/thriller movie.. things made it different is the story: a suspense started from a home arrested boy is quite new. and yet again, Shia as Kale can show an interesting point of attention of this movie.
One thing caught my attention (and also several other as I read imdb review) is the detail of picture and sound .. small things in Kale's room looks so lively and thorough.. to bad I just watched this is a dvd, I should be going to the cinema instead!
Tagline: Every killer lives next door to someone
Labels: ma question d'interet, movies
Labels: ma question d'interet
Labels: ma question d'interet, movies
Labels: ma question d'interet, movies
Labels: ma vie
Labels: foolish me
Labels: foolish me